Mental Health Support

You decide what will work for you

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Kukoon is super passionate about Mental Health

In Australia, its estimated that 44% of people will experience a Mental Health condition in their lifetime. Specifically, it is even more prevalent for people living with disabilities. Adults living with disabilities report frequent mental distress almost 5 times as often as adults not living with disabilities.

This is the lived experience of our Founder and CEO, Filipa. This is why we have dedicated to this area for all people who want to prioritise their Mental Health.

Kukoon works with NDIS Mental Health support partners across Australia with many years of experience in the Mental Health sector. We work with these partners to think outside of the box and find supports that work for you.

We understand the fundamental importance of tailoring supports that go beyond just meeting your needs. Kukoon and our NDIS Mental Health partners recognise you, outside of your diagnosis. Whether you have a Psychosocial disability or are a person with disabilities that prioritises you Mental Health, we tailor supports to you. We also explore other supports that NDIS Mental Health experts provide.
We focus on helping you transform from a life of limitations to a life of opportunity
Before engaging any services, we encourage you to consult with your Doctor, Therapist, or Clinician.

Some of our NDIS Mental Health partners provide:

Equine Assisted Therapy (EAT) encompasses a range of treatments that involve activities with horses and other equines to promote human physical and mental health. The use of EAT has roots in antiquity and EAT applies to physical health issues in modern form dates to the 1960’s.

How can working with horses change your life?

Habits, assumptions, old stories and negative thinking all have an impact on relationships and what we create in our lives. Through equine assisted learning, we can recognise the power of our thoughts with more clarity to better understand how they shape our experiences…creating shifts that pave the way to change.

Art therapy is a form of expressive therapy that uses the creative process of making art to improve a person’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

The creative process involved in expressing one’s self artistically can help people to resolve issues as well as develop and manage their behaviours and feelings, reduce stress, and improve self-esteem and awareness. You do not need to be an artist or fluent in art.

It has been explored continually over the past few decades how to Improve your mind, change your outlook and ease anxiety – all possible with the help of yoga

Relaxed body, relaxed mind
From a purely physical point of view, the stretching involved in yoga relaxes the body and increases the supply of blood and nutrients to the muscles. It releases connective tissue, improving the way we move, function and feel, all of which supports mental health.

The posture-pain-depression link
The focus on breath work, and in particular Ujjayi breathing, is unique to yoga. This type of breath introduces the breath to the lower lobes of the lungs. For anyone who’s anxious, breath is directed mainly to the chest. This lower lobe breathing activates the parasympathetic nerve receptors which gives us that chilled out quality after a yoga class.

Breathe to ease anxiety
The focus on breath work, and in particular Ujjayi breathing, is unique to yoga. This type of breath introduces the breath to the lower lobes of the lungs. For anyone who’s anxious, breath is directed mainly to the chest. This lower lobe breathing activates the parasympathetic nerve receptors which gives us that chilled out quality after a yoga class.

A happier brain
A gentle practice of yoga also releases a chemical called Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the thalamus. This chemical plays a central role in suppressing the neural activity that leads to anxiety.

A better stress response
Dr Yeo says she has no hesitation in prescribing yoga to those showing signs of depression. “From a very basic point of view, those who do yoga consistently learn to relax, so their stress levels and [the stress hormone] cortisol go down and they become less reactive. It is not just exercise – it’s mind control.

Headspace Australia says, “Eating well gives you more energy, helps you sleep better, improves your concentration and, you guessed it, keep a healthy headspace.”

When you think of improving your mental health, you may not think about changing the food you eat. But there is a strong link between what we eat and how we feel!

We know a poor diet can make you feel sluggish, low and increase symptoms of depression and anxiety. But now we are seeing a healthy diet (with a variety of fruit, veggies, nuts and wholegrains) can actually improve mental health.

We support a young gentleman who was struggling with particular dimensions of his disability. After speaking to Kukoon we implemented a support worker who practices yoga, which is helping him manage his frustrations and feel more comfortable.

A person living with a disability felt anxious about the changes that were occurring in their life. They were re-engaging in work and study for the first time in 10 years. We implemented supports for mindfulness to help them feel more at ease when facing these new challenges.


Do I need to have evidence of a Psychosocial Disability to get support in my NDIS plan?

No. If you have a NDIS Plan and you need extra supports on prioritising your mental health, this can be included. Kukoon can work with you to discuss what that looks like for you.

What is Psychosocial Disability?

Psychosocial Disability is a term used to describe a disability that may arise from a mental health issue.

Not everyone who has a mental health condition will have a Psychosocial Disability, but for people who do, it can be severe, longstanding and impact on their recovery. People with a disability as a result of their mental health condition may qualify for the NDIS.

How does NDIS support mental health recovery?

The founding principles underpinning the NDIS are similar to the principles of mental health recovery. The NDIA defines recovery as “achieving an optimal state of personal, social and emotional wellbeing, as defined by each individual, whilst living with or recovering from mental health issues”.

NDIS supports recovery and will tailor a support package to individual needs. If eligible for individualised NDIS support, it is anticipated that you will be provided with a commitment to lifetime support with your ongoing recovery journey.

I have an episodic condition therefore I cannot access the NDIS

False. Many NDIS participants experience episodic conditions resulting in disability. An episodic condition is not a barrier to accessing the NDIS.

I have used my 10 sessions of psychology under my Medicare funded mental health care plan, I can access the NDIS to top up my mental health care plan

False. The NDIS does not fund therapy to address symptoms, they fund ongoing functional support for day-to-day living. Kukoon can help you implement mental health functional supports. NDIS does not require that you access a mental health care plan and is not able to top up funding if you have such a plan for functional support for day-to-day living.

To meet the NDIS access requirements, I need to prove I’ve exhausted all treatment options

False. There is no requirement that all known treatments must be completed. The NDIA needs to know what treatments/interventions have been explored – ones that you have tried and ones that you and your clinician have decided not to try – and why the impairment will remain even when treatment continues.

Prioritise your Mental Health


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