Navigating Individualised Living Options NDIS Funding

Navigating Individualised Living Options NDIS Funding

Your Comprehensive Guide


Understanding how to apply for and effectively utilise Individualised Living Options (ILO) funding under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) can significantly impact the quality of life for individuals seeking greater independence and choice in their living arrangements. If you’re in Australia and looking to explore this avenue, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s everything you need to know:


Understanding Individualised Living Options (ILO) Funding


Individualised Living Options (ILO) funding is a specialised funding option available through the NDIS, aimed at providing individuals with disabilities greater control and flexibility in their housing and accommodation arrangements. It enables participants to tailor their living situations to suit their unique needs, preferences, and goals, promoting independence and community inclusion.


How to Apply for and Utilise Individualised Living Options (ILO) Funding


When it comes to applying for and utilising ILO funding effectively, there are several key steps to consider:

  1. Assessment and Planning: The first step is to undergo an assessment with the NDIS to determine your eligibility for ILO funding. Once approved, you’ll work with your NDIS planner or coordinator to develop a personalised plan that outlines your goals, preferences, and support needs related to housing and accommodation.
  2. Identifying Suitable Options: With your plan in hand, you can begin exploring various living options that align with your preferences and goals. This may include living independently with support, shared living arrangements, supported accommodation, or other innovative housing models.
  3. Engaging Providers: Once you’ve identified suitable options, it’s essential to engage with ILO providers, support coordinators, and other relevant stakeholders to discuss your needs and preferences. They can help you navigate the process, explore available resources, and coordinate supports to facilitate your transition to your chosen living arrangement.
  4. Developing Individualised Support Plans: Work closely with your support coordinator and ILO provider to develop individualised support plans that address your specific needs and goals. This may involve arranging for personal care support, assistance with daily living tasks, access to community activities, and other necessary supports to help you thrive in your new living environment.  The ILO provider is typically involved with organising a “host” that you might live with. 
  5. Regular Reviews and Adjustments: Keep in mind that your housing and support needs may evolve over time. It’s essential to regularly review your support plans, communicate any changes or concerns with your support team, and adjust as needed to ensure your ongoing safety, well-being, and satisfaction with your living arrangements.


Introducing Kukoon: Your Partner in Individualised Living Options (ILO) Support


At Kukoon, we’re dedicated to empowering individuals with disabilities to live their best lives through personalised, flexible, and innovative support solutions. Here’s why you should choose us as your partner in navigating ILO funding:

  1. Expertise and Experience: With years of experience in disability support and NDIS coordination, our team possesses the knowledge and skills needed to guide you through the complexities of securing and utilising ILO funding effectively.
  2. Personalised Support: We understand that everyone’s housing and support needs are unique, which is why we take a personalised approach to ILO support. We work closely with you to understand your goals, preferences, and challenges, tailoring our support to meet your individual needs and aspirations.
  3. Collaborative Approach: We believe in collaboration and teamwork. We work closely with housing providers, support coordinators, and other stakeholders to ensure a seamless and coordinated approach to securing and implementing your chosen living options.
  4. Innovative Solutions: We’re committed to exploring innovative housing models and support solutions that empower you to live independently, participate in your community, and achieve your goals. Whether you’re interested in shared living arrangements, supported accommodation, or other options, we’re here to support you every step of the way.


Choose Kukoon as your partner in navigating Individualised Living Options (ILO) funding and embark on a journey of greater independence, choice, and empowerment. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support you in Australia.


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