You don’t have to navigate the complex NDIS by yourself. We’re here to help.
We match you with the right person, based on trust and consistency of care.
You get to make the decisions about where you live, and who you live with.
We pay your providers every time, on time. No gate keepers. No admin or frustrations for you.
If you are leaving school, or just have, we help you achieve your dream job.
There is more to you than a diagnosis. We take the time to get to know you as an individual.
“The Australian NDIS supports your independence, but navigating it can be challenging. With constant changes, staying informed is key to getting the support you deserve. Kukoon is here to help. My team and I stay updated to ensure you receive the necessary support, so you can focus on your abilities and live a great life without worrying about the system’s complexity. We never say no. We work for you. We are your NDIS champions.”
– Filipa Watts, CEO
To be eligible, you’ll need to meet some basic criteria relating to your age, Australian Residency status and the nature of your disability.
We’ve created this simple guide so you’re fully prepared and know exactly what to do throughout each of the seven steps of your NDIS journey.
Your NDIS plan is all about you and your life goals. It’s based on the details you provide in your planning meeting with your Local Area Coordinator (LAC). Your plan contains a breakdown of the different supports needed to help you achieve your goals, along with how much funding has been allocated to each category.
The NDIS covers the cost of supports across a range of areas, including education, employment, living arrangements and health and wellbeing. The NDIS uses the “reasonable and necessary” framework to decide which supports you can receive funding for.
If you want to change something in your plan, you can always request a plan review. Make sure you explain as clearly as possible how and why you need to make changes.
Check out our NDIS in 7 easy steps guide for some good tips, such as learning the basics about what the NDIS can fund and how it works.